Europe’s Pipeline Technology Conference Held in Berlin for the First Time

Delegates from 42 different nations traveled to Berlin for the 9th Pipeline Technology Conference (ptc), held May 12-14, in order to gather information from nearly 70 presentations on the latest trends in design, construction, operation and maintenance of onshore and offshore pipelines. A new attendance record was set with more than 420 participants.

Current issues in the spotlight like the South Stream Project and the security of European supply in the wake of the current crisis in Ukraine were included in the program alongside new developments in the areas of inline inspection, leak detection, corrosion protection, compressor stations and pumping stations, construction procedures, material issues and integrity management.

The ptc is supported in terms of content by 10 trade associations and published worldwide via 20 media partners. Since 2006, the main focus of the Pipeline Technology Conference is on latest technologies and new developments in the international pipeline industry. Besides an overview on international key projects, new construction methods and an insight into new operations and maintenance, rehabilitation, in-line inspection and integrity management field studies and technologies, ptc 2014 provided special focus sessions on “Pipeline Safety,” “Onshore Pipeline Construction” and “Offshore Technologies.”

An exhibition featuring 41 companies that ran alongside the conference was the most popular spot at break times. Particularly, the many participants from international operating companies used the chance to gather information and compare the latest developments from different suppliers. Two evening events and a number of post-conference workshops rounded off the 9th ptc.

The 10th Pipeline Technology Conference will take place June 8-10, 2015 in Berlin. Main topics will include “Challenging Pipelines” and “Offshore Technologies.” As in previous years, the papers presented at this year’s pct will be available online. For more information visit
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