Logiball New Look

Don Rigby Joins USL America

With a global purpose to repair, restore, and protect our infrastructure, USL America announced the addition of Don Rigby as the national sales and marketing manager for Logiball Inc.

Don Rigby Headshot


According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, nearly 50 percent of the flow to the wastewater treatment plant is clean groundwater infiltrating into the collection system, which doubles the cost to pump, transport and treat.

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Cost effective solutions include injection grouting to test and seal mainline pipe, laterals and lateral connections. With more than 800,000 miles of public sewers and 500,000 miles of private lateral sewers, there is important work to be done with a compelling immediate return-on-investment.

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With decades of proven leadership and industry experience, Rigby is selected to lead this initiative for Logiball leveraging a 40-year background in engineering sales, marketing and business development. Rigby has served as instructor, speaker and advocate on matters of injection grouting for the wastewater collection system. Rigby is the principal author of the Municipal Sewer Grouting NASTT Good Practices coursework and serves as chairman of the Manhole Rehabilitation Committee for the NASSCO organization.

RELATED: Taking Ownership of I/I Issues with Injection Grouting

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“Logiball is a long- standing trenchless technology leader and Marc Andre Anctil, president, is a proven innovator of remotely operated packers—a critical component of the test and seal process,” said John Taylor, president of USL America Group. “With Don on board, Logiball is positioned well to lead the cause of municipal grouting among engineers, utility contractors, and public works.”

SOURCE – USL America

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