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CUIIC Safety Academy Coming to Edmonton

Canadian Underground Infrastructure Innovation Centre Set to Host Second In-person Technical Course of 2023

CUIIC Academy logo

Established in 2022, the Canadian Underground Infrastructure Innovation Centre (CUIIC)’s mission is to be the preeminent research and education centre focused on all facets of underground infrastructure.

Up next on its education mission is the inaugural CUIIC Safety Academy, set to take place Nov. 29-30 at the JW Marriott Edmonton ICE District in Edmonton, Alberta.

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The Safety Academy is part of the CUIIC Academy, which includes the centre’s webinar and in-person events. In March it hosted its first in-person course, the extremely successful Rehabilitation Academy in Mississauga, Ontario.

Not only will Edmonton host the CUIIC Safety Academy, but it is also home to the University of Alberta, where CUIIC is based.

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The centre is led by Alireza Bayat, Ph.D., P.Eng., professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Alberta and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Associate Industrial Research Chair in Underground Trenchless Construction.

Registration for the CUIIC Safety Academy is ongoing and includes full access to presentations, breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks on both days, the Nov. 29 Networking Reception, and CEUs by request. Register before Oct. 1 and save on registration.

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If four or more individuals from the same company are registered, you can save 10% by entering the discount code: CUIICFALL4.

A student scholarship is also available for eligible students to allow them to attend the Academy. The deadline to apply for the Student Scholarship is Sept. 29.

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Reserve your room online at the JW Marriott Edmonton ICE District by Oct. 26 for a room rate of $278 a night.

Visit academy.cuiic.ca/safety-academy for more information and to register.

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Trenchless Technology Canada (TTC) reached out to Bayat to find out more about the Safety Academy and what’s on the docket for CUIIC in 2024.

JW Marriott, Edmonton

TTC: What is the CUIIC Safety Academy?

Bayat: Experts will present a two-day course designed to equip attendees with knowledge related to construction safety, regulation, challenges and innovation. We would like to thank our committee for putting together a great lineup of topics and presenters. Thank you to our sponsors for supporting the Safety Academy and to those who have registered.

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TTC: Why host a safety-focused academy? How did it come about?

Bayat: CUIIC Academy offers classes, courses, webinars and events to help further underground infrastructure educational opportunities across Canada. The Academy is a partnership between the CUIIC and Benjamin Media Inc. [publisher of Trenchless Technology Canada].
The 2023 Safety Academy agenda was developed by the Canadian Underground Infrastructure Innovation Centre Safety Committee. Safety should be a top priority for all, and we found there was a gap in the industry that we wanted to fill as a research and education centre.

TTC: Who is the target audience?

Bayat: Owners, consultants, managers, contractors, suppliers and safety professionals working in road building, development and underground construction.

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TTC: How does the academy align with CUIIC’s overall mission?

Bayat: CUIIC focuses on providing stakeholders across all sectors with opportunities to collaborate on research and training opportunities in underground infrastructure. Together, we foster innovation to provide cost-effective, sustainable solutions to the challenges involved in building, assessing, and rehabilitating underground infrastructure.

TTC: How can people get involved with CUIIC?

Bayat: Join our growing CUIIC membership community. As a member, you will benefit by expanding your network, building connections with members and experts, and discounted rates on CUIIC professional development and training courses. Member organizations also have the opportunity to shape the courses offered and research opportunities undertaken by CUIIC.

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Membership in CUIIC is open to manufacturers, suppliers, contractors, consultants, utilities, municipalities, and non-profit agencies with an interest in underground infrastructure. Visit cuiic.ca to learn more or email cuiic@ualberta.ca to get started.

TTC: When and where is the next in-person CUIIC Academy Event?

Bayat: The 2024 Pipeline Rehabilitation Academy is being held March 13-14, at the Sheraton Airport Hotel in Richmond, British Columbia. Experts will present a two-day course that is designed to equip attendees with knowledge related to asset management, condition assessment, maintenance and rehabilitation of underground pipelines. Attendees will get the chance to learn about the most up-to-date advancement and new technologies available to repair and rehabilitate the aging infrastructure.

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For more information and to register for the CUIIC Safety Academy, visit academy.cuiic.ca/safety-academy.

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