Special Report: Critical Infrastructure Maintenance — Pumping Strategies for Facilities


Effective pump management is essential for maintaining the integrity of both underground infrastructure and facility systems. This special report examines innovative strategies and best practices for addressing complex pumping challenges in sewer bypasses, HVAC maintenance, and overflow prevention.

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How to Prepare for and Mitigate Sanitary Sewer Overflows
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that over 40,000 sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) occur annually, creating serious financial and environmental consequences for municipalities. Developing a comprehensive contingency plan and partnering with reliable pump providers are key to preventing and rapidly responding to SSOs.

7 Common Sewer Bypass Estimating Mistakes — And How to Avoid Them Unexpected costs can devastate profitability in sewer bypass projects. By taking a bottom-up approach to estimating and conducting thorough site visits, contractors can avert potential problems and ensure more accurate bids.

Let It Flow: How to Use Pumps for Boiler and Chiller Flushes
Maintaining climate control in large-scale commercial and industrial facilities requires a complete, well-functioning HVAC system. When debris and buildup clog chiller lines, it can create a chain reaction of failures. Mechanical contractors can leverage specialized pumps to perform effective boiler and chiller flushes, with a focus on achieving the proper velocity for optimal cleaning results.

Case Study: Telematics Stops Pump Incident from Becoming an Emergency
When a civil contractor needed to dig out and replace bar screens inside a municipality’s wastewater treatment plant, they partnered with Sunbelt Rentals to successfully provide a 100% sewer bypass system, incorporating redundant pumps, power generation, and PumpSentri alerts for critical parameters, which reduced labor costs and reduced risk for the municipality.

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