HardRock HDD

Case Study: Project delays in Lawrenceville, GA Water Main Installation

Stuck In the Face of Hard Rock: The ROCKWYRM Air Hammer Gets the Job Done

In a growing suburb of Atlanta, a residential development project hit unexpected rock when attempting to install a 16” steel casing for a water main beneath the highway. After two contractors passed on the job, an auger bore was attempted, progressing only 8-10” after two days. With the deadline looming, Hardrock HDDP was called in to find a solution.

As specialists in rock drilling with years of experience in the field, they know that having the right tooling for the job makes all the difference.

Lamar Businelle, General Manager of Hardrock HDDP, brings 21 years of experience drilling in hard rock conditions. “To get the job done, we drilled a 6 inch pilot hole with a ROCKWYRM HDD60, covering 120 feet in two days of drill time. Hardrock used a custom-built roller cone reamer; each pass enlarging the hole until 24 inches was reached. Drill time on that project was nine days.” 

After successfully completing the bore, they passed the baton to Metro Horizontal Boring to push the casing through with the auger bore machine. The team completed the project a day ahead of schedule!

The Right Tooling Makes All the Difference

Discover the ROCKWYRM Air Hammer System by Hardrock HDDP

Hardrock HDDP specializes in manufacturing rock tooling products that are engineered for steering precision, pack a powerful punch, and are built tough to withstand challenging rock conditions. The hammer assembly along with the oiler support packs, pilot hole reamers, bits and pull-backs, can tackle any rock drilling project.

  • Superior Robustness – Each component is metallurgically treated as needed to optimize strength and longevity
  • Precision Engineering – Tight tolerances minimize wear and enhance drilling accuracy
  • Efficiency Boosters – Weeper nozzle and cone-shaped carbides on the back head optimize cuttings removal, maintaining a clean drilling path
  • Steering Precision – The end-load sonde housing ensures signal reliability
  • Versatile Compatibility – Compatible with most rigs, supported by efficient oiler packs for consistent performance
  • Electronics Integration – User-friendly controls for precision operation

The Hardrock Service Difference

Committed to Service Excellence: Before and After the Sale

Hardrock team members are fully committed to the success of their customers, before and after the sale. This commitment encompasses training, consulting, and service repairs.

Nick Tapplin, Hardrock sales consultant says, “We like to be out in the field with our customers for on-site training or job planning. A Hardrock customer is a customer for life. If there’s a new operator, we can get them trained up and efficient on the ROCKWYRM air hammer system. We don’t want you to just run the hammer into the ground. We want to make sure you punch it out and install product, assuring your return on the investment. If a customer needs a repair, we can usually get it done the same day, or ship out replacement parts right away.”

Don’t Stop When You Hit Rock: Contact Hardrock HDDP Today!

Let Hardrock’s dedicated HDD rock specialists help you determine the right product and method to complete your bore.

Web: www.hardrockhddp.com
Phone: (770) 867-9003
Email: Sales@hardrockhddp.com
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