Association Updates Spring 2017: Trenchless Technology Canada
Editor’s Note: In each issue, Trenchless Technology Canada will feature an “Association Updates” section to highlight the happenings in the various associations across Canada related to the trenchless field. Information is provided by the associations.To submit information for our Summer 2017 edition that publishes in August, email Mike Kezdi, associate editor, at
NASTT British Columbia Chapter
Spring might be coming a little late here in British Columbia but that doesn’t mean we’re not springing into action! It’s all hands-on deck here, working at bringing a bigger and better Trenchless Technology Road Show to BC than we’ve ever seen before.
This Trenchless Technology Road Show is a result of a joint collaboration between the Centre for Advancement of Trenchless Technologies (CATT), Benjamin Media Inc. (publisher of Trenchless Technology Canada) and NASTT-BC.
This year’s road show will be in the Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel in Richmond and will follow the same format as previous years, i.e. one day of courses followed by two days of technical presentations. But this year will offer even more to choose from. The one day courses include:
- Trenchless Technology 101
- Watermain Renovation
- Horizontal Directional Drilling
- Trenchless Carbon Savings & Credits (half day)
- Planning Trenchless with SUE (half day)
We have some cutting edge technical presentations lined up for the following two days as well, with three sessions running concurrently. These will cover a range of topics including condition assessment, pressure and gravity pipe renovation, SUE, HDD, tunnelling and case studies.
The exhibit hall, which we plan on having open to the public, is surely to be another highlight of the Road Show. The hall will be filled with the latest and greatest from the trenchless technology world, offering great networking opportunities with industry peers. You can find more info at
In addition to the Trenchless Technology Road Show, the BC chapter will also be hosting two, one-day seminars on Assessment and Trenchless Rehabilitation of Culverts. Culvert collapses and blockages have recently hit the news headlines and demonstrate how major property damage, traffic diversions and general inconvenience to the public occur when culverts fail to function. This workshop will cover culvert management principles that would benefit public sector organizations including municipalities, cities and highway authorities. The workshop is presented by a number of experienced practitioners both from the consulting and construction spheres of industry. This course will be held on June 14 in Victoria and on June 15 in Parksville.
If you want more information on our chapter and our events please contact us at
After four highly successful years, the Consortium for Engineered Trenchless Technologies (CETT) at the University of Alberta, together with the University’s Faculty of Extension, is preparing for its fifth annual Horizontal Directional Drilling Workshop. This workshop, which runs from May 30 to June 1, is taught by the leaders of CETT’s partnership.
This course provides a comprehensive overview of HDD, demonstrating that the benefits of HDD far outweigh the risks. In order for participants to gain a balanced understanding of HDD, the risks, geotechnical factors, and planning and construction from an owner’s perspective will be examined. This hands-on workshop runs for three days and participants are taught by industry professionals who have first-hand experience managing HDD projects. Leading sessions for this Short Course are: Dr. Alireza Bayat, University of Alberta; Manley Osabak, The Crossing Company; Pete Barlow, BGC Engineering; and Jim Bazeley, Enbridge.
For more information about these workshops visit the CETT website at
In other CETT news:
• CETT has held a variety of seminars including the effective one-day workshop on Water and Waste Water Pipeline Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation. Presenters included: Audrey Perron, SANEXEN Environmental Services; Chris Macey, AECOM; George Bontus, Aeigon; Dr. Hamid Zamamn and Luke Kurach, City of Edmonton; Dr. John Matthews, Louisiana Tech University; and Kate Kirk, EPCOR. Seminar leaders explained how to evaluate the condition of a pipe, as well as the renewal and restoration process of a deteriorated pipe.
• CETT’s NASTT Student Chapter once again participated in the NASTT No-Dig Show in Washington, D.C. They presented on upcoming trenchless technology goals, discussed their current and upcoming Industry connections, and shared their fieldwork experiences.
• Other than the upcoming HDD Short Course, CETT is looking forward to once again partnering with the University’s Faculty of Extension to offer further workshops on trenchless technologies. In the upcoming Fall Semester, CETT will host two seminars. On Sept. 28, Trenchless Technologies 101 will provide an introduction and overview to trenchless innovations. CETT’s second fall seminar will occur on Oct. 26, focusing on Microtunneling and Pilot Tube Microtunneling.
• CETT is also excited to present workshops in the Winter Semester. On Feb. 15, 2018, CETT members will discuss Geotechnical Consideration for Underground Trenchless Construction while on March 22, 2018, Pipe Materials for Trenchless Construction will be explored.
• Recent publications by CETT members include:
“Subsurface Profiling Using Horizontal Drilling Indices for Guided Boring Method”
“A Comprehensive Review on the Challenges of CIPP Installations”
“Fluidic Drag Estimation in Horizontal Directional Drilling using Finite Volume Method”
“Estimation of Maximum Annular Pressure during Horizontal Directional Drilling in Non-Cohesive Soils”
“Estimation of Soil Expansion Force in Static Pipe Bursting: Comparison Between Numerical and Analytical Solutions”