
Big Sky Development Inc. Becomes Sprayroq Certified Partner

Sprayroq-LogoBig Sky Development Inc. of Hayden, Idaho, is the newest Sprayroq Certified Partner (SCP).

The SCP designation provides potential customers with the confidence that Big Sky Development is fully-trained and factory authorized in proper installation of Sprayroq’s spray-applied protective and structural products for all applications.

Big Sky’s president, Jeremy Tripp, says he saw a distinct opportunity to continue the growth trajectory of his company by becoming a Sprayroq certified installer. “We’ll be much stronger as a general contractor, and this new proficiency will allow us to open up a specialized services division for water, wastewater and stormwater, without having to outsource.”

Big Sky Development, established in 2003 and an Idaho corporation since 2005, focuses primarily on civil construction, water and sewer main installation, dry utilities, lift stations, complex sewer systems, large LSAS systems, water treatment facilities, stormwater management, site construction and remediation, retaining walls, road construction and electrical underground projects. It holds memberships in the North Idaho Building Contractors Association, Associated Builders & Contractors Inc., and is listed with Dun & Bradstreet.

Jacki Fullerton, Big Sky’s construction administrator, says there was no consideration of going with another vendor of spray-applied linings. “Sprayroq is a proven product, often specified in the engineering world, more than any other for that type of application. It just made the most sense for us to go with a tested, proven and specified product.” There is no other contractor offering Sprayroq products in Big Sky’s Idaho and Washington state service territory.

One of the main considerations in becoming a Sprayroq partner was the flexibility and speed of the product’s installation. Most assets can be kept in service while the repair is being made, or removed from service for a very brief period.

“We use the Sprayroq and Spraywall products for all our concrete, brick and steel infrastructure work. On structures such as wastewater wet wells, manholes and lift stations,” Tripp says. “It makes us more competitive on a pricing basis, but also from a full service standpoint: Our customers can get all the services they need without having to go to multiple vendors, and they can have confidence that all our work will be up to Big Sky quality standards.”
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