Barthauer Software Launching Series of Events for the Wastewater Sector in Austria


Together with experts, Claudia Hickmann and Thomas Weber (above right), Barthauer, will discuss the use of management information systems in Austria during the kick-off event.

Barthauer Software GmbH is launching the new BARTHAUER informative! series of events in Zell am See, Salzburg, Austria on 1 December 2016. Under the title, “Pipeline Management Systems in Austria,” experts with practical experience are providing information on the use of suitable operating instruments to maintain the wastewater infrastructure.


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BARTHAUER informative! is an innovative event concept for skilled personnel in the wastewater sector. Barthauer is illuminating the use of pipeline management systems in Austria jointly with experts who have practical experience.

Speakers are discussing the basic conditions for the use of a pipeline management system and possible subsidies in technical presentations. Practical project examples illustrate successful implementations and the resulting benefits. Time to talk shop with skilled personnel and users completes the first information day.

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The sewer network in Austria is comparatively new compared to Germany. Of the 90,800 km of sewer lines currently in existence, more than 51 percent were installed after 1994. This represents national wealth concealed underground.

Not only do regular maintenance and upkeep ensure functionality over the course of many years, they can also reduce premature reinvestment costs. Today the focus of the wastewater sector in Austria is shifting from the construction to the maintenance of these systems. This complex task is resolved within the scope of future-oriented operation and maintenance management. A digital pipeline management system can help.

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Participation is free for skilled personnel in the wastewater industry. Register online at by 20 November 2016.

Barthauer Software has been developing innovative software for infrastructure and water management for more than 25 years. The company’s main products are the database-driven network information system, BaSYS, and the geoobjects design studio, GeoDS, a construction kit for creating individual information systems. Barthauer Software GmbH is part of the Barthauer Group.

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