ASCE International Pipelines 2013 to be Held June 22-26

The Pipelines 2013 Conference will be held June 22-26, at the Worthington Renaissance Hotel,
in Fort Worth, Texas.

The theme of this year’s conference is Pipelines and Trenchless Construction and Renewals: A Global Perspective. The conference will create a forum for utility and pipeline owners, design and consulting engineers and pipeline experts from around the globe to gain valuable knowledge related to constructing, renewing, operating, managing and maintaining lifeline assets.

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Conference attendees will have a chance to attend the pre-conference workshops, technical sessions and visit more than 50 exhibitors from the industry leaders. The conference begins June 22, with the Pipeline Research Needs Symposium (traditionally held every six years) and continues on  June 23, with three full-day, pre-conference workshops covering Large-Diameter Water Transmission Pipelines, Seismic Design of Pipelines and Design of Horizontal Directional Drilling Projects. Also, on June 23, there will also be an opportunity to participate in a Sporting Clay Tournament, and in the evening, there will be a networking reception with friends and colleagues.

The conference program officially gets under way June 24, where attendees will have an opportunity to register for the conference, attend a Plenary Breakfast Session with keynote address from Frank Crumb, P.E., the director of the City of Fort Worth Water Department. The Technical Tracks include Pipeline Infrastructure, Pipeline Planning and Design, Pipeline Safety, Risk Management, and Condition Assessment, Trenchless Installation of Pipelines and Pipeline Location and Installations. Those programs start in the morning and continue through June 25. Also included in this year’s conference is a special program track on Oil and Gas Applications. Always an important segment of ASCE, the energy market renaissance is expected to continue well into the future. Attendees will have an opportunity to attend the Awards Luncheon on June 25 with special entertainment along with the 2013 ASCE Award of Excellence and the distinguished Stephen D. Bechtel Pipeline Engineering Award.

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Technical presentations will end in the morning on June 26, with a keynote presentation by David Marshall, P.E., engineering director of the Tarrant Regional Water District (TRWD). That afternoon, conference attendees and their guests have a choice to attend either the Hydro-generation Plant & Pipeline Construction Tour at the TRWD new pump station construction or an afternoon Golf Tournament at The Golf Club at Fossil Creek.

For more information, visit

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