2018 WJTA-IMCA Expo: Focus on Safety, Technology and Trade

wjta-imcaOrganized by the WaterJet Technology Association (WJTA), the 2018 WJTA-IMCA Expo is a forum for industry communication and development, the goal of which is to improve safety, technology and trade by connecting contractors, asset owners, researchers, academicians and suppliers.


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The 2018 WJTA-IMCA Expo will be held Nov. 1-2 in New Orleans at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center.

Representatives from all related industry sectors, including industrial, environmental and municipal waterblast cleaning and field services; industrial and municipal vacuuming; coating removal and surface preparation; concrete removal; hydroexcavation; and related services, will attend.

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WJTA has seen increasing involvement in the association and expos from asset owners, particularly from the petrochemical and refining industry sectors, who are looking for ways to maximize safety and production in waterblasting and industrial vacuum applications.

The expo draws a global audience to the Gulf Coast to network, see the latest equipment and industry trends, and gain valuable insights that benefit their businesses’ bottom lines. It has become a crucial event on the calendars of industry professionals to explore major industry trends, including automation and robotics; safety in manual and robotic industrial cleaning; regulatory and business trends; and technical innovations in waterjet applications.

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The live demos, a popular and unique part of the expo, will reflect the transition to hands-free waterblasting techniques, as well as advances in pump technology, safer and more ergonomic manual and semi-automated waterjetting equipment and vacuum trucks and hydroexcavators. Participants will have the opportunity to see these solutions from leading manufacturers in action.

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The indoor exhibits feature a range of specialized equipment and services from manufacturers and contractors. Equipment, technologies and services on display will include industrial cleaning and environmental services, manual and robotic waterblasting, vacuum trucks and air movers, advances in pump and control technology, hydrodemolition, tank cleaning, pigging and decoking, personal protective equipment, safety options and more.

The WJTA-IMCA Expo’s educational boot camp program offers a set of expert-led, 30-minute sessions on a variety of waterjetting and industrial vacuum topics. Boot camp sessions are timely and relevant, providing participants with insights to improve safety, outcomes, and the financial bottom line. The educational sessions are open to all expo registrants.

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WJTA will present an update during the boot camp on the new entry-level waterblast operator training and certification program. Based on WJTA’s safety guidelines, this standardized training for waterblasters, developed in partnership with the Houston Area Safety Council (HASC), includes computer-based training and instructor-led, hands-on training and verification to help ensure contractors can access a well-trained, safety-aware labor pool and asset owners can rely on qualified waterblasters in their facilities.

The Industry Appreciation Reception to be held from 4-5 p.m. on Nov. 1, is a key networking event that will give participants opportunities to connect with industry leaders and make valuable new contacts.

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The group hotel, Hilton New Orleans Riverside, is centrally located and features includes outstanding dining and bar options for convenient after-hours networking.

For more information, visit wjtaimcaexpo.com, email wjta-imca@wjta.org, or call 314-241-1445.

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