2016 HDD Academy a Resounding Success
March 31, 2016
The second annual conference – once again a sellout – brought more than 120 drillers from across North America to the Tempe Mission Palms Hotel, all with a thirst for gaining more knowledge about HDD and networking with some of the leading horizontal directional drilling experts and contractors in the world.
“We had an amazing turnout at the second annual HDD Academy. Dr. Sam Ariaratnam, ASU and the Academy sponsors are great to work with on this event, as we all collectively work toward advancing and growing the HDD market,” says Benjamin Media Inc. president Rob Krzys. “Through real-world scenarios from industry veterans, to brand new products geared toward today and tomorrows HDD workforce.”
Topics covered in the Pre-Construction, Design and Material Selection sessions were: Geotechnical Site Investigation and HDD Design Process; Calculating Frac-Outs; HDD Design Considerations from a Contractor’s Perspective; Inspection of HDD Projects; Fusible PVC Pipe; Fusible PVC Installation Case Study; Productivity Tools for HDD; Properties of Restrained Joint Ductile Iron Pipe; Ductile Iron Pipe Installation Case Study; Estimating an HDD Project; and Damage Prevention Measures.
Sponsors of the 2016 HDD Academy were, founding sponsors, Digital Control Inc., Ditch Witch, Herrenknecht Tunneling Systems, Underground Solutions Inc. and Vermeer, and first-time sponsors American Augers, BOS Solutions, and McLaughlin. Supporting associations were: AEM, DCA, PLCA, PLCA Canada, IPLOCA and Arizona Utility Contractors Association.
Plans are under way for the 2017 HDD Academy. For more information and updates, visit hddacademy.com.