1999 Trenchless Technology Person-of-the-Year: Frank Canon
March 1, 1999
Frank has been described as having a greater influence on the directional drilling side of trenchless technology than any other individual. He has wielded his influence through a folksy application of knowledge from one aspect of the drilling industry to the emerging horizontal directional drilling industry.
The manager of construction applications for Baroid Industrial Drilling Products Division, Frank works with all types of non-oil field drilling. His focus is pinpointed on the areas of large diameter foundation drilling and trenchless applications. Most of his work is devoted to trenchless, said Frank.
His contributions to the industry commend Frank Canon for selection as the 1999 Trenchless Technology Person-of-the-Year. While primarily dealing with directional drilling, Frank’s contributions cover a broad gamut of construction applications. He is widely recognized for his expertise in the utility construction field.
Frank wants to focus on the end users of drilling fluids products. “That’s the way our selling has evolved. It’s selling through education, and it has worked well,” said Frank. Working with the industry produces more understanding and better drilling applications for everyone.
A trait appreciated by many is his generous offer of time to explain, educate and demonstrate new and better ways of approaching the drilling process. Dr. Tom Iseley, who originally developed Florida DOT seminars and asked Frank to help, said, “I’ve called on Frank for assistance many times. No matter where he is or how busy he may be, he has always provided help. Often this has required him to change his plans on short notice.”
It is for these enduring contributions that we honor Frank as the 1999 Trenchless Technology Person-of-the-Year.