Sunbelt Rentals
When it comes to pump solutions and fluid management, you need a partner who can keep your operations flowing smoothly. That’s where the Pump Solutions experts at Sunbelt Rentals come in.
Episode 8
NovaForm™ – PVC Liner, by IPEX
NovaForm™ is a PVC-based structural liner that offers many benefits, including time savings, less disruption to local businesses and traffic, and potential cost savings.
Phone: 816.516.4879
Episode 7
The NASTT No-Dig Show
The NASTT No-Dig Show is the largest trenchless technology conference in the world, where professionals attend to learn new techniques that save money and improve infrastructure. This show offers topic tracks over the course of three days with peer-reviewed, non-commercial presentations, including case studies detailing environmentally friendly trenchless solutions and cost-saving opportunities for municipalities.
The NASTT No-Dig Show
Phone: 888.388.2554
Episode 6
BMC Trenchless gives access to many learning opportunities that are beneficial to those in the water and wastewater industry. Between the NASSCO certification courses and the Trenchless Education Series, BMC Trenchless presents many educational opportunities that can enrich your skills and give you career advancement.
BMC Trenchless
Phone: 513.702.8534
Episode 5
Meet Fred —your always available, HDD tooling expert that ensures you get the best tool for your needs.
We uploaded our 77 years of HDD experience into our new website, so Fred isn’t only smart…he’s experienced. No more guessing OEM threads or tooling configurations, just go online and pick your HDD rig model, soil conditions and type of tool, and our smart technology determines the specific tools and connections you need. Yep, it’s that easy.
Hammerhead Trenchless
Phone: 920.648.4848.
Episode 4
5 New Sizes for IPEX TerraBrute® CR
IPEX launches five new TerraBrute® CR sizes, including the industry-leading large diameter 24″ pipe. Engineered for Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) and other trenchless applications, TerraBrute® CR is a 100% non-metallic, AWWA C900 PVC pressure pipe system.
Website: IPEX website
Phone: 866.473.9462
Episode 3
HammerHead University Online Brings Training to Your Jobsite, on Your Schedule
To begin learning and experience all HHU Online has to offer visit
HHU Online
Phone: 920.648.4848.
Episode 2
The Trenchless industry’s first truly portable, battery-operated pipe inspection crawler system.
Unmatched portability, versatility, and accessibility allows for limitless applications of pipe cleaning, lining, or televising crews rather than relying on a dedicated TV truck crew for all inspections.
Pipe Trekker
Phone: 519.342.3177
Episode 1
Hydrovac and Drilling Fluid Disposal Challenges? Check out the FL243 Solidification Mixer.
Efficiently mixes a high slump material (slurry) with a minimal amount of a dry product, to create a by-product that has a low slump discharge.
Surface to Surface Inc.
Phone: 800.567.0978
About 60 Seconds in the Spotlight Videos:
Sponsored Content: Companies have 60 seconds to educate the industry/end users about their trenchless products and solutions via a quick-hitting video shared across all of Trenchless Technology’s digital channels.
Do you have a product/solution you want to feature in a sponsored Trenchless Technology 60 Seconds in the Spotlight video? Contact Kelly VanNatten at or phone: 234-380-3030.